The Prefabricated Interior

Though much attention has been given to the prefabrication of architecture, there has been little discussion on the influence and importance of prefabrication within the interior environment.

This book does just that, providing a comprehensive investigation into the prefab interior from the 19th century to the present and beyond. Each chapter focuses on a typology of the prefabricated interior, looking at the bathroom, kitchen, workspace, furniture, mobile interiors, the prefab house, textiles, wearables, and the digital realm of printed interiors. Taken as a group, these chapters and illustrations indicate that constructs of the interior have been pivotal in the generation of techniques and processes of prefabrication in architecture and the built environment. Chapters explore a diverse range of examples of innovative prefabricated elements and assemblages within interior environments, illustrating the inherent sustainability, accessibility, building efficiency, and affordability of prefabricated design.

The culmination of a decade of research by the leading expert on the topic, this will be the go-to resource on prefabricated interiors and an important read for all students and researchers in interior design.

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Interior Design on Edge

Interior Design on Edge explores ways that interiors both constitute and upset our edges, whether physical, conceptual or psychological, imagined, implied, necessary or discriminatory.

The essays in this volume explore these questions in history, theory, and praxis through a focus on different periods, cultures, and places. Interior Design on Edge showcases new scholarship that expands and contests traditional relationships between architecture, interiors, and the people that use and design them, provoking readers to consider the interior differently, moving beyond its traditional, architectural definition. Focusing on the concept of interiority considered in a wider sense, it draws on interdisciplinary modes of investigation and analysis and reflects the latest theoretical developments in the fields of interior design history and practice.

With new research from both established and emerging authors, this volume will make a valuable contribution to the fields of Interior Design, Architecture, Art and Design History, Cultural History, Visual Culture Studies, and Urban Studies.

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Inside Prefab: The Ready-Made Interior

As an inherently sustainable and affordable building method prefabrication has enjoyed a revival in recent years, attracting clients and architects alike. In Inside Prefab: The Ready-made Interior, author Deborah Schneiderman turns her attention to a much overlooked area of prefabrication: interior design. Offering a fascinating history of prefabricated interior design, followed by twenty-four contemporary case studies

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Interiors Beyond Architecture

Interiors Beyond Architecture proposes an expanded impact for interior design that transcends the inside of buildings, analysing significant interiors that engage space outside of the disciplinary boundaries of architecture. It presents contemporary case studies from a historically nuanced and theoretically informed perspective, presenting a series of often-radical propositions about the nature of the interior itself. Internationally renowned contributors from the UK, USA and New Zealand present ten typologically specific chapters including: Interiors Formed with Nature, Adaptively Reused Structures, Mobile Interiors, Inhabitable art, Interiors for Display and On Display, Film Sets, Infrastructural Interiors, Interiors for Extreme Environments, Interior Landscapes, and Exterior Interiors.

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Appropriated Interiors

Appropriated Interiors uncovers the ways interiors participate explicitly and implicitly in embedded cultural and societal values and explores timely emergent scholarship in the fields of interior design history, theory, and practice.

What is "appropriate" and "inappropriate" now? These are terms with particular interest to the study of the interior. Featuring thirteen original curated essays, Appropriated Interiors explores the tensions between normative interiors that express the dominant cultural values of a society and interiors that express new, changing, and even transgressive values. With case studies from the late eighteenth century to the twenty-first century, these historians, theorists, and design practitioners investigate the implications of interior design as it relates to politics, gender, identity, spatial abstraction, cultural expression, racial expression, technology, and much more.

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Interior Provocations: History, Theory, and Practice of Autonomous Interiors

Interior Provocations: History, Theory, and Practice of Autonomous Interiors addresses the broad cultural, historical, and theoretical implications of interiors beyond their conventionally defined architectural boundaries. With provocative contributions from leading and emerging historians, theorists, and design practitioners, the book is rooted in new scholarship that expands traditional relationships between architecture and interiors and that reflects the latest theoretical developments in the fields of interior design history and practice.

This collection contains diverse case studies from the late eighteenth century to the twenty-first century including Alexander Pope’s Memorial Garden, Design Indaba, and Robin Evans. It is an essential read for researchers, practitioners, and students of interior design at all levels.

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Textile Technology and Design: From Interior Space to Outer Space

Textile Technology and Design addresses the critical role of the interior at the intersection of design and technology, with a range of interdisciplinary arguments by a wide range of contributors: from design practitioners to researchers and scholars to aerospace engineers. Chapters examine the way in which textiles and technology - while seemingly distinct - continually inform each other through their persistent overlapping of interests, and eventually coalesce in the practice of interior design.

Covering all kinds of interiors from domestic (prefabricated kitchens and 3D wallpaper) to extreme (underwater habitats and space stations), it features a variety of critical aspects including pattern and ornament, domestic technologies, craft and the imperfect, gender issues, sound and smart textiles. This book is essential reading for students of textile technology, textile and interior design.

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The Prefab Bathroom: An Architectural History 

Prefab Bathroom and Beyond: An Architectural Graphic Novel, a collaboration between Deborah Schneiderman and Bishakh Som, tells the history of the prefab bathroom within the context of the history of architecture through comic/graphic novel style illustration. The book includes the history and the ‘inside’ stories of architecture. A collaboration with Bishakh Som.

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